
Booth Crush Feature Requirements

6:16 AM

We are always looking for great booths/stores to feature here at Booth Crush. We are looking for content for Facebook, Instagram and Youtube as well as featured blog posts. If you would like to be considered please read the entire post. Submit your photos and videos to boothcrush@gmail.com in the subject line please put the following "Booth/Store Feature" 
When submitting your photos please tell us which platform you would like to be considered for. 

When sending us photos we have a few requirements. Please make sure your booth is well lit. Vignettes are great but we need a few that showcase the entire booth or a section of your store. 


*You must own the copyrights to your photos
*Photos must be high resolution 
*Photos must be in focus (blurry photos will not be accepted)
*No screenshots or watermarks
*Submit 5-10 photos 
*Include your name, booth/store name and address 
*Include social media links

Youtube Features

When you submit photos for us to use in our Youtube videos please keep in mind the format we need to make them more visually appealing. Do not submit photos that have already been posted on Instagram because they have already been cropped to a specific size. 

The way the phone is being held in the photo below is called vertical. This means the photo is taller than it is wider. Although, we have on occasion used these in our videos. It is not our preference. 

This is the correct way to take a photo when it will be used for a video. This is called horizontal. This means the photo will be wider than it is taller. Wider photos will take up the entire screen on videos and this is what we prefer. 

Once you have taken your photo please do not change the size or use any filters. We need the photos to be at least 1280 pixels x 720 pixels for the best format on Youtube. If we feel any photos need to be lightened we can do this from our end. Also when taking pics of your booth do a quick scan of your booth first. Did you leave anything in the photos that need to be removed first? Make sure you didn't leave anything like tools, tools bags, drinks, or ladders in the shot. Nothing can ruin a photo quicker than forgetting to remove an item. 

When submitting video clips of your photo, the same rule of thumb applies as well. Turn your camera sideways to horizontal and shoot. Make sure your video is 60 seconds or less. You can take multiple videos, but when submitting them to us they can't be any longer than 60 seconds. 

One final note to remember. Please make sure your photo is well lit and clearly in focus. We will not be able to use blurry photos. 

You can view our channel by clicking on this link

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