
Cheap to Free Furniture Makeovers

6:35 AM

Hi friends. We posted a note on FB a week or so ago that we were putting Booth Crush on pause until we could get over some hurdles. I never knew life could be so tough when it came to taking care of my elderly mother. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining at all. In fact, I cherish every moment I have with her. I just wish I could make her well again. She has so many health issues and it just breaks my heart to see her struggle so much.

Life is just crazy right now for both Dawn and me. During this downtime, I was going through old photos and came across some of my furniture photos and wanted to share them with all of you. I mean who doesn't love a good before and after right? These items were either free or super cheap.

A lot of these photos are older makeovers. I think this first one is when Farmhouse was just getting started. I bought this old sewing machine at an auction for $5. The sewing machine didn't work and someone had cut the cord. I was the only one that bid on this item...lucky me. The top had some water damage, but I knew I was going to cover the top with planks so that didn't matter. I already had chalk paint and lumber on hand. I spray-painted the handles black for a farmhouse look. I think it turned out really cute. I don't remember how much I sold this one for, but I remember it sold on the same day.

This next makeover was a curbside freebie. My neighbors placed these two chairs out on trash day and I snagged them. I already had fabric and paint and on hand, so these chairs were $0 to makeover and I sold them for $80 each
Can you guess what this next makeover is from? If you guessed a headboard you are correct. I had a queen size headboard someone had given me. It needed way too much work to function as a headboard, so I salvaged these panels. They were very easy to remove. They are made out of that burlwood material so pretty lightweight. I was able to make two chalkboards and I sold them for $50 each. The table it is sitting on was a sewing machine table I scored for $8. I can't remember how much I sold it for.
This next image is from an Etsy shop called Passion for Flair. I wanted to show this pic because it is similar to the headboard I used for the chalkboard panels. Heather, the shop owner does furniture makeovers and if you are local to Bordentown, NJ you will have to check out her store, although she does ship. So next time you see one of these headboards, remember you can always repurpose the panels. The ones I had, you could also remove the back and replace it with chicken wire for a message board.
My next makeover is from a yard sale. I think I paid $3 for it. There was no bottom and it was very scratched up. I cut a piece of wood for the seat and dug through my scrap fabric and flipped this one for $75 or $80
This old dresser was given to me. The drawers were in really bad shape and beyond repair. So I added shelving and painted it this pretty turquoise color and sold it the same day.
This curio cabinet was a score for only $15. Just a quick coat of chalk paint was all it needed. I think I sold this one for somewhere in the neighborhood for $150ish or a little more.
This next pic is mine. I can’t remember if it was shared in another blog post or not. I apologize if it is a repeat. I found this cute little picnic-looking desk at an auction for $10. It was dirty, but solid wood. I gave it a good cleaning and a coat of chalk and it was as good as new. I paired it with a $5 vintage bistro chair and sold the set for $120.
This antique shaving dresser stand was hard to sell. I even lowered the price to $40 and no one was biting. So…I decided to remove the mirror from the drawers. I ended up selling the bottom half for $110. I flipped the mirror upside down and added a shelf and sold it for $125. I wish I could find the after photos for this one. If I do, I will add them later on.
I hope these ideas were helpful. Just remember the next time you are junkin to keep an open mind. If you see a a piece of furniture that is beyond repair take a closer look. Is there anything on it that can be salvaged?

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