
Getting Your Vintage Booth Ready For Holiday Shoppers

3:55 PM

Photo Credit: Oliver & Rust (Pinterest)
I can't believe it's only 65 days until Christmas. The busy holiday season is fast approaching. People are already out shopping and getting a jump start on their list. Are you ready? This is the last big sales event of the year. I hope all of you are getting prepared. Lots of stores have their Holiday Open House in November.

If you are a newbie to the industry and this is your first Christmas as a booth owner. Get ready!  Now is the time to break out all your festive holiday decor. That means lots of Christmas lights and decor. You should price your Christmas displays to sell. In the past, I have had shoppers want to buy my entire vignette or even my decorated Christmas trees. You might be thinking this is a lot of trouble to redecorate...but isn't this why you are in the business...to make money? Price your displays and trees accordingly. Make it worth your time and replacement. If the customer really wants it they will have no problem paying what you ask.

Some customers lack the vision of decorating. So they would rather pay someone else to do it. I used to know a lady that had a seasonal holiday side hustle. She made great money doing this and thoroughly enjoyed it too. If I had the time I would totally offer my services to other booth dealers. I would love to go around to different booths and help decorate.  Hmmm, maybe I could do this on a limited basis. Do any of you dealers need help? Lol.

Seriously, let's talk more about your booth. Now that you have it decorated and ready to go what else can you do to make some extra holiday cash? Sell Christmas decor of course! I can't speak for everyone, but ornaments have done really well for me. I price them individually but if I have mass quanities I will bag up 6 or more and in a clear bag and tie them with a pretty ribbon and embellish the bag.

Other Christmas items that are popular are

~Christmas cards
~Holiday photos
~Christmas postcards
~blow molds, 
and those gorgeous aluminum trees

People go nuts for this stuff. They are not only shopping for gifts... they are shopping for parties too.  Oh and don't forget those ugly Christmas Sweaters. Those are always hit if you are allowed to sell them in your booth. I have done really good selling these on eBay.

Now let's talk about pricing. You are going to have all kinds of folks with different budgets. Try to have items at different price points. Especially items that are $5 and under. Those make great stocking stuffers. You want everyone that visits your booth to be able to buy and afford something. Do you offer handmade goods? Let your customers know by placing a sign in your booth. If you take custom orders just be respectful and make sure all sales go through the register.

Gift baskets are hot ticket items. A couple of years ago I bought the cute little, mason jar candles at the Dollar Tree. I decoupaged a bunch of small matchboxes with cute Christmas scenes and paired them with the candle. I dropped them down in a clear bag and then added a cute To & From tag on the outside and these flew out the door. Little gift baskets for neighbors and co-workers are great items to have on hand.

I was in an antique mall last year and saw these chocolate-covered, marshmallows on a stick. They have a cute note attached that reads Additional $5 off your purchase of $25 or more. We thought this was a great idea to encourage shoppers in your booth. They are getting a deal and treat or the kiddos are getting the treat.

This idea could be used with cookies or any type of treats and at various price points. Just make sure they are in in some type of clear bag. When children see these the parents are going to have a hard time telling their children no. Great marketing move. I whipped up my own little tags for you to enjoy. These are complimentary and you are more than welcome to use them on your own treats. Just email us if you could like a copy. BoothCrush@gmail.com
Another idea you can implement in your booth is hide the - - - - - - - ? This can be a Christmas ornament, or item such as a tophat, or snowman. When the customer finds it have them take a selfie holding up the item and tag your booth in their social media shout outs!

Giveaways are another way to generate sales. Have your customers place their name, contact info and item purchased on a slip paper, and place the paper into jar or basket. Check with your store manager to make sure it is okay to place this in your booth or at checkout. You can say something like spend $20 in our booth and entered into our gift basket giveaway. Some dealers just offer a gift basket with no purchase necessary. This would be totally up to you.

We hope these tips and ideas will help you to have a successful 2019 holiday season. We would love to hear your ideas and things that have worked for you in your booth or shop. Please feel free to comment on this Facebook post or e-mail us at BoothCrush@gmail.com

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