Vintage Booth Makeover

3:53 PM

I have had lots of booths over the years. Some have been in little boutique style shops while others have been in large antique malls. In the five years that we have been running Booth Crush, I have shared very few photos of my booth/s. Many of you have asked why. The reason for that is we never wanted to cause any confusion with my booth and Booth Crush. We always felt like readers would get frustrated seeing a constant barrage of booth photos and we would lose reader retention. So we decided to keep them separate.

A couple of weeks ago, when I shared the blog post about the faux garden fence, I said I would share a full photo of my booth. So today I wanted to share the makeover photos. This is from my old booth at Queen of Hearts Antiques and Interiors.  I have always loved the Queen of Hearts. They have three locations and it is hard to pick a  favorite location because they each hold their own charm. I enjoyed my time there as a dealer. I was at the Marietta location and they have a great team there. They have guys on staff to help with loading, unloading and hanging things up in your booth. This was a huge perk. I miss all the gang. I would take another booth there in heartbeat, but I'm now living 70 miles away.

I still remember the day I got the call telling me a booth would soon be available. I was thrilled. There is always a long waitlist for dealers. I started out with a small booth because it was the only one available. I believe I had a 7x9 booth, but my old lady brain can't remember exactly. I was right in the middle of the store so I felt it was a good start. During this time I was trying to juggle home life, taking care of my uncle in the nursing home, two elderly parents with non-stop doctor appointments, my booth, sourcing, painting and my little dog that had suddenly fallen ill and would require daily meds and weekly to bi-weekly vet trips the rest of his life.

As I was approaching my one year anniversary with the Queen things seemed to be calming down for me. My booth was doing great and I felt I was ready to take on a bigger space. Unfortunately, the next one that was available wasn't much bigger but it was a longer booth. The one I was currently in had more depth. My new one was a 9x12, (I believe) but I loved the build-out and the work that had been done on it. I was fortunate to be in a place that allowed build-outs. If you have been a dealer for any length of time you know not all stores allow this.

I apologize for the grainy photos. My cell phone game was lacking shall we say. As you can see from the photos below this booth wasn't my style so it would need a makeover. I knew I had to lighten, brighten and freshen this space up. I had a vision and thankfully it wasn't going to take very much effort to change the look.

Here is the after shot. I promptly removed the miles and miles of grapevine wreath and then gave it two coats of paint. This was a soothing, peaceful color. Every time I worked my booth shoppers would stop and ask me about the color. So let me go ahead and answer your question here. The color is called Green Grey Linen by Valspar. For those of you that aren't familiar with this brand, you can find it at Lowes. 

Boy, a little paint sure can change the look of a space. It made a world of difference. These photos do not do the paint color justice. 

I know my booth wasn't large in comparison, but it was a size I could manage with my hectic schedule. Only two months into my new booth, my Mother had taken a serious fall on Christmas day. She broke her shoulder and had to have a total shoulder replacement. I stayed by her side for the next 14 days at the hospital. I was only able to make it to my booth one time over the next 30 days. Thank goodness for my sweet friend, Leslie and a very generous and thoughtful team at the store. With their assistance, I was basically able to put my booth in their hands and know that I was being taken care of. This gave me such peace of mind. I couldn't have done it without all their help. They were amazing. 

If you are new or thinking about getting a booth somewhere I think it is very important to take a booth in a store where you have good management and people that will look after your booth should an emergency arise. This might be a question that you can ask them during the interview process. 

Now here is a pic of my booth after move-in day. Do you see the garden fence panels at the top? For those that may have missed this post, you can click here to read how I turned Dollar Tree fence panels into this faux looking wrought iron.  
Here is a pic from my first booth. As you can see it was a short booth, but it had depth. My second was longer. 

I hope this little booth makeover inspired you in some way. As always we enjoy seeing your booth makeovers too. Please feel free to share your pics with us. If you have a major booth makeover and have before and after pics maybe we could feature your story here too. Please send all inquiries to 

For those of you that would like to visit the Queen of Hearts Antiques and Interiors you have three locations to choose from. Alpharetta, Buford, and Marietta. If you are looking for booth info you can read more about that on their vintage dealer page by clicking here. You can also find them here

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