
5 Easy Tips for Staging A Booth Like a Pro

11:18 AM


Lighting is Inviting

You will hear me speak a lot about this topic. Lighting up your booth is also gonna help increase your sales. Items tend to get pushed back in dark corners, nooks and crannies. If your customer can't see it, it's not selling. If you have an electrical outlet in your booth use it. Bring in different size lamps. Scatter them around your booth. If you don't have an outlet see if your neighbor does. Ask management if you are allowed to use your neighbors outlet. You won't know until you ask. Not all booths have outlets so Inquire about moving to a booth that does. I have been in both situations. When I have lighted booths, my sales are always better. 

Image Source: Blossoms Vintage Chic

Image Source: Moonlight Rainbow

Image Source: Pinterest

Create Vignettes

A beautiful vignette will draw customers like flies to honey. When creating a vignette have a theme in mind. If you were doing a beach theme, you could use some things like fish netting, starfish, seashells, picture frames, nautical items, candles etc. You could start with an old weathered crate or vintage suitcase. Drape your fish netting over the crate or inside the suitcase. Then start to create your vignette with all your beach related items. Use items that compliment each other in color. Vary the height of objects with pedestals or old books. Lean a mirror into the mix. Mirrors will create the the illusion that the space is larger.

This next photo is a wonderful example. Suitcases are the perfect foundation for building a vignette.

Image via: Girl in Pink

I love this next vignette. I love all the silver, glitter roses and old photos. Very romantic. 

Image Source: My Desert Cottage

Stack, Stack, Stack

If you are short on space in your booth start taking advantage of air space. Stacking things will not only help maximize every square inch of your space, it's also a great design feature. Stack smaller tables and benches on top of larger pieces of furniture. This is the perfect opportunity to create a vignette as you go.

Image Soure: Pinterest

Image Source: Pinterest 
Back Roads & Blooms event at Sweet Salvage on 7th March 19-22nd 2014. Design by Myko Bocek/Aquamarina Antiques.

Choose a Theme

I know I'm always drawn to those booths that have themes. While this is not necessary, I think it does tend to reel more customers into your space. They will be at least tempted to take a closer look. It's all about visual merchandising. Here is an example of a gorgeous Spring themed booth. 

Image Source: French Larkspur

Here is another one from My Desert Cottage
This booth says to me: Rustic Glam. So beautiful. 

Image Source: My Desert Cottage

Make Your Booth Welcoming

Decorate your booth as if it were a room in your home. Think warm and inviting. Bring in things like lighting, fabrics, throw rugs, mirrors, plants or fresh flowers. 

Image Source: KC Mag

Image Source: Isabellang

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