My friend Leslie of Whimsical Earth Antiques and Vintage Gifts decided to create her own tags using the tea stained method. She bought a box of 500 tags at a local office supply store. Each bundle has 100 tags already tied together. All she did was boil the water, place the tea bags in the water to steep. Then she let the tea cool down. Next she placed a bundle of tags in the tea and left them until she got the desired color.
Next she placed the tags on a paper towel to dry for a couple of days. Leslie said the tags dry a lot darker so keep that in mind if you try this out.
After her tags were dry, she used a star punch on one side of the tags to give it a little something extra.
Here is a side by side comparison of the tags both before and after their transformation.
You can find the Fiskars star punch here. Just click on image.
Thank you, Leslie for sharing your beautiful tags with us. Swing by Leslie's Facebook page to say hi and see more pics from her booth. Or if you are in the Marietta area you can see her booth in person at Queen of Hearts Antiques and Interiors. Her booth is the first one of the left on Church Street (name of the aisle) I grabbed a couple of pics from her FB page to share.
If you like the tea stained looked, but not the star there are lots of different hole shaped punches you can choose from. You could also embellish these tags with rubber stamps on the back. The sky is the limit. Hopefully, this post has inspired you to get creative with your price tags. I know this encourages me to step up my game.
Regarding your post on topics, the one I am interested in is etiquette. I have problems with a few fellow booth owners who buy my items and immediately put them in their booths for 4 times what they paid me, yet they expect a discount from me. It really irritates me, as I am the one who found the item, repaired, cleaned, painted, etc. Thanks for allowing me to get this off my chest.