
Theft Prevention Tips

This is a topic that most of us would rather not talk about. We certainly don't want to believe it could happen to us. But let's face it theft is commonplace in the retail industry. Forbes reported US retailers lost $60 billion retail shrinkage in 2015. Reports of thefts at antique malls, shops and even auctions are reaching an all time high according...

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Transitioning From Garage to Booth Space

Do you remember the first time you opened an antique booth? If you were like me, you were excited, nervous and just basically a big old mess of mixed emotions. Or maybe you haven't taken the plunge yet. While the majority of our readers are seasoned dealers that have been at this a while, we occasionally get e-mails from aspiring dealers seeking advice...

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Vintage Dealer Interview = The Rusty Nail

I hope all of you had a good weekend and were able to get out and find some wonderful old treasures. We've got another great dealer interview today. Last week we spoke with Amber Strong of The Rusty Nail. Her booth is located at my favorite place to junk in Savannah,GA. It's called: Two Women and a Warehouse. This store has two locations. My...

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Happiness is a Truck Load of Junk and....

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5 Easy Tips for Staging A Booth Like a Pro

1. LIGHTING 2. STACK YOUR ITEMS 3. CREATE VIGNETTES 4. CHOOSE A THEME 5. MAKE YOUR BOOTH WELCOMING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lighting is Inviting You will hear me speak a lot about this topic. Lighting up your booth is also gonna help increase your sales. Items tend to get pushed back in dark corners, nooks and crannies. If your customer can't see it, it's not...

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Packaging Small Items

Have you ever wondered what to do with those tiny smalls in your booth? Today we are sharing ideas on how to deal with those. I don't know about you but I'm a complete sucker when it comes to pretty packaging. I can't tell you how many times I have bought something just because it was neatly wrapped. A few years ago I...

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Special Guests Petticoats on the Prairie

Good afternoon junkers. I hope all of you are having a great week so far. We are gonna try something new on the blog. Each week will be spotlighting a vintage show. I always love hearing about how shows got their start, how long they have been doing it and how the show has grown over the years. I hope all of you...

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