Good evening folks. Sorry we missed posting our Sunday Vintage Dealer interview. We are doing things a little bit different now with the interview process. In case you missed our post on Facebook earlier, we are now asking any vintage dealers or shop owners that are interested in participating in the interviews to go to the appropriate category here on the blog. We...
1. How long have you been a shop owner? 2. How large is your store? 3. Do you rent out booth space? If so, how many booths do you have? 4. Before becoming a shop owner, were you a vintage dealer? 5. What do think your hot ticket items are that customers just can't get enough of? 6. What are your non...
1. How long have you been a vintage dealer? 2. What type of setting (Mall/Boutique/Flea Market) are you in? 3. How many booths do you have? 4. What size booth/s do you have? 5. What do you sell? 6. What do you find sells the most in your booth? 7. What do find sells the least in your booth? 8. Why do you think your booth has been successful? ...
I've seen different variations of this sign over the years while browsing antique shops. Recently, we had a customer ask us about it. She had seen it too, but couldn't remember the wording. So we got to thinking about it and decided it would be fun to make a printable for our vendor readers. Be sure to click on image to enlarge. It...
We are thrilled to be included in the 10 Awesome Resources for Creative Businesses by Refunk My Junk. Be sure to head on over to her blog and check out the rest of the article. She has a terrific blog and Facebook page. I don't think you will be disappointed. ...
Hi Friends, if you haven't already seen our Facebook page, we posted an entire album with printable price tags. Some have info such as a place for your booth #, item # and description and then we did another set that is blank. Please feel free to use them. Visit our FB page here. ...
Hi friends. We're back! Did you miss us? We missed you and we sure hated to miss the dealer interview last week. But sometimes you just need to get away and recharge your batteries. But we hope we can make it up to us today, as we have added seven new questions to the end of the interview. And as always we are...
BOOTH TIP: If you need shelving, but are on a budget...grab some concrete blocks, burlap, twine and pieces of wood. Wrap the burlap and twine around the concrete blocks like this pic. That way those ugly blocks are covered up. Super cheap, quick assembly and shelving problem solved! You could paint the shelves any color or stain them. I've seen the burlap in...
We can't believe we have 1500 Facebook likes in such a short amount of time. Thank you friends for helping spread the word. If you are new and stopping by for the first time, come on by and check out our Facebook page. You can also find us on Instagram too. We can't believe we have 1500 Facebook likes in such a...
Hope everyone is having a great weekend. We had really nice weather here. Just a few rain showers. I didn't get out to do any picking, but hopefully everyone else did. We have been doing "Saturday Junkin" posts over on our Facebook page for those of you that are just stopping by for the first time. Dealers are free to post pics of...